
  • 系统工具
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  • 趣味娱乐


  • 动作冒险
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  • 音乐游戏
  • 益智休闲
  • 卡牌对战
  • 养成游戏
  • 角色扮演
  • 模拟经营
  • 赛车竞速
  • 策略塔防
  • 飞行射击
  • 网络游戏


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  • 软件教程
  • 手机教程


  • 游戏
  • 软件
  • 文章
  • 教程


您的位置: 首页> 游戏频道> 安卓游戏> 模拟经营


  • 版本:v1.0.15
  • 平台:安卓
  • 类型:模拟经营
  • 发布:2024-05-17
  • 大小:40.11MB
  • 语言:中文


Welcome to the exciting world of 3D Juicer English Edition, a unique community-based management game that challenges players to establish and grow their own juice business. In this vibrant and engaging game, you\'ll embark on a journey of entrepreneurship, managing resources, satisfying customers, and expanding your juice empire.


1. Realistic 3D Graphics: The game boasts stunning 3D visuals that bring the juice-making process to life, making it an immersive and visually appealing experience.

2. Varied Juice Recipes: With a wide range of fruits and ingredients to choose from, players can create countless unique juice combinations, appealing to diverse palates.

3. Community-Focused Gameplay: Players can interact with other juice shop owners, sharing recipes, tips, and tricks, fostering a sense of community and cooperation.

4. Progressive Challenges: The game offers a range of challenging tasks and goals, encouraging players to continuously improve their juice business and unlock new achievements.


1. Educational Value: The game provides players with valuable insights into the world of entrepreneurship and business management, promoting strategic thinking and decision-making skills.

2. Engaging Gameplay: The exciting and engaging gameplay keeps players hooked, offering hours of entertainment and fun.

3. Customizable Shop: Players can decorate and customize their juice shop, creating a unique and inviting atmosphere for customers.

4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: The game is available on multiple platforms, allowing players to enjoy it on their preferred devices.


1. Resource Management: Players must manage their resources effectively, ensuring they have enough fruits and ingredients to make juice and keep their customers satisfied.

2. Customer Service: Providing excellent customer service is key to success. Players must attend to customers\' needs, taking their orders, serving juice, and handling any complaints.

3. Expansion and Upgrades: As the business grows, players can invest in upgrades and expansions, such as new equipment, decorations, and advertising, to attract more customers and boost profits.

4. Competing with Friends: Players can challenge their friends to see who can build the most successful juice business, adding a competitive element to the game.


1. 3D榨汁英语版以其独特的社区经营玩法和精美的3D画面赢得了玩家的喜爱。它成功地将创业的乐趣和果汁制作的创意结合在一起,为玩家提供了一个充满挑战和乐趣的游戏世界。

2. 游戏的教育价值也是其一大亮点。通过经营果汁店,玩家不仅可以锻炼自己的管理能力,还能学习到有关商业运营的知识,提升自己的综合素质。

3. 游戏的社交功能也非常出色。玩家可以与其他果汁店老板互动交流,分享经验,共同进步,增强了游戏的互动性和趣味性。

4. 总体来说,3D榨汁机英语版是一款值得一试的社区经营游戏。无论你是喜欢经营类游戏还是对果汁制作有兴趣,这款游戏都能为你带来乐趣和满足感。




  • 3d榨汁机英语版0
  • 3d榨汁机英语版1
  • 3d榨汁机英语版2
  • 3d榨汁机英语版3


